Set in a primordial cemetery, Black Tear follows the ghost of a lone Victorian woman who searches for the grave of her long departed friend. Satiric in nature, the spot pokes fun at the concept of a belated birthday card. A commercial for Hallmark Cards shot on spec.
Streaming: AT&T Mobile Network (National) /Sprint/MobiTV (Int'l, including UK, China & Singapore)
Featured: Ads of the World, We Love Ad
Represented Eastman Kodak and screened as part of the National APR Presentation (Kodak Theater, NYC)
Creative Director / Director: Daniel Azarian
Cinematograhy: Milton Kam
Colorist: John Dowdell
Editing: Namakula
VFX Supervision: Sally Kapsalis
Flame Artist: Jason Cunningham
Original Score: Michael Damon
Streaming: AT&T Mobile Network (National) /Sprint/MobiTV (Int'l, including UK, China & Singapore)
Featured: Ads of the World, We Love Ad
Represented Eastman Kodak and screened as part of the National APR Presentation (Kodak Theater, NYC)
Creative Director / Director: Daniel Azarian
Cinematograhy: Milton Kam
Colorist: John Dowdell
Editing: Namakula
VFX Supervision: Sally Kapsalis
Flame Artist: Jason Cunningham
Original Score: Michael Damon